Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

standard line

  • 1 rule

    [ru:l] 1. noun
    1) (government: under foreign rule.) governo
    2) (a regulation or order: school rules.) regra
    3) (what usually happens or is done; a general principle: He is an exception to the rule that fat people are usually happy.) regra
    4) (a general standard that guides one's actions: I make it a rule never to be late for appointments.) regra
    5) (a marked strip of wood, metal etc for measuring: He measured the windows with a rule.) régua
    2. verb
    1) (to govern: The king ruled (the people) wisely.) governar
    2) (to decide officially: The judge ruled that the witness should be heard.) decidir
    3) (to draw (a straight line): He ruled a line across the page.) traçar
    - ruler
    - ruling
    3. noun
    (an official decision: The judge gave his ruling.) decisão
    - rule off
    - rule out
    * * *
    [ru:l] n 1 regra, regulamento, preceito, estatuto, método, código, guia, critério, sistema. it is the rule / é uso, é regra, é praxe. we made it a rule / fizemos disto uma regra. 2 ordem, prescrição, lei. 3 controle, regime, governo, mando, poder. 4 praxe, hábito, uso, costume. 5 régua (desenho). 6 Typogr fio. • vt 1 determinar, ordenar, mandar, decretar. 2 decidir, estabelecer. 3 regulamentar, estabelecer uma regra. 4 guiar, dirigir, governar, administrar, reger. 5 dominar, mandar, controlar. 6 refrear, conter, reprimir. 7 riscar com régua, traçar, pautar. 8 prevalecer, ser corrente, estar em voga, vigorar. a hard and fast rule regra rígida. as a rule por via de regra. rule of the road práticas de trânsito. rule of three regra de três. rule of thumb regra prática. sliding rule régua de cálculo. to be ruled by ser influenciado por, ser guiado por. to have the rule over dominar sobre. to lay down a rule estabelecer uma regra. to rule off separar uma linha horizontal (no papel). to rule out a) expulsar, excluir, riscar, descartar. b) tornar impossível, impedir. to rule over imperar sobre, governar, dominar. to rule with a rod of iron governar com mão de ferro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rule

  • 2 rule

    [ru:l] 1. noun
    1) (government: under foreign rule.) governo
    2) (a regulation or order: school rules.) regulamento
    3) (what usually happens or is done; a general principle: He is an exception to the rule that fat people are usually happy.) regra
    4) (a general standard that guides one's actions: I make it a rule never to be late for appointments.) regra
    5) (a marked strip of wood, metal etc for measuring: He measured the windows with a rule.) régua
    2. verb
    1) (to govern: The king ruled (the people) wisely.) governar
    2) (to decide officially: The judge ruled that the witness should be heard.) decretar
    3) (to draw (a straight line): He ruled a line across the page.) traçar à régua
    - ruler - ruling 3. noun
    (an official decision: The judge gave his ruling.) decisão
    - rule off - rule out

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > rule

  • 3 gauge

    [ɡei‹] 1. verb
    1) (to measure (something) very accurately: They gauged the hours of sunshine.) medir
    2) (to estimate, judge: Can you gauge her willingness to help?) calcular
    2. noun
    1) (an instrument for measuring amount, size, speed etc: a petrol gauge.) indicador
    2) (a standard size (of wire, bullets etc): gauge wire.) padrão
    3) (the distance between the rails of a railway line.) distância
    * * *
    [geidʒ] n 1 medida, medida padrão, escala. 2 calibrador, aferidor. 3 tamanho, dimensão, capacidade, extensão. 4 bitola, distância entre rodas (estrada de ferro, automóvel). 5 manômetro. 6 calado (de navio). 7 calibre. • vt 1 medir exatamente, determinar o tamanho com instrumento de medição. 2 calibrar, graduar. 3 padronizar. 4 estimar, julgar. 5 aferir. rain-gauge pluviômetro. that’s about the gauge of it coll mais ou menos por aí. the ship had the weather gauge of ours o navio tirou o vento do nosso. to take the gauge of calcular, estimar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > gauge

  • 4 longitude

    (the distance, measured in degrees on the map, that a place is east or west of a standard north-south line, usually that which passes through Greenwich: What is the latitude and longitude of that town?) longitude
    - longitudinally
    * * *
    [l'ɔndʒitju:d] (abreviatura: long) n longitude.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > longitude

  • 5 gauge

    [ɡei‹] 1. verb
    1) (to measure (something) very accurately: They gauged the hours of sunshine.) medir
    2) (to estimate, judge: Can you gauge her willingness to help?) avaliar
    2. noun
    1) (an instrument for measuring amount, size, speed etc: a petrol gauge.) medidor, aferidor
    2) (a standard size (of wire, bullets etc): gauge wire.) padrão
    3) (the distance between the rails of a railway line.) bitola

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > gauge

  • 6 longitude

    (the distance, measured in degrees on the map, that a place is east or west of a standard north-south line, usually that which passes through Greenwich: What is the latitude and longitude of that town?) longitude
    - longitudinally

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > longitude

См. также в других словарях:

  • standard line — I. noun or standard route : a railroad line or route upon which the regular or highest rates apply : a fast service route in distinction from slower and perhaps longer routes or from one that is partly by rail and partly by water compare… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Line level — is a term used to denote the strength of an audio signal used to transmit analog sound information between audio components such as CD and DVD players, TVs, audio amplifiers, and mixing consoles, and sometimes MP3 players. In contrast to line… …   Wikipedia

  • Line discipline — A line discipline (LDISC) is a layer in the terminal subsystem in some Unix like systems. [ [http://www.linusakesson.net/programming/tty The TTY demystified] ] The terminal subsystem consists of three layers: the upper layer to provide the… …   Wikipedia

  • standard route — noun see standard line I …   Useful english dictionary

  • Standard Oil Company — Standard Oil Refinery No.1 in Cleveland, Ohio (1899) Die Standard Oil Company war bis zu ihrer Zerschlagung das größte Erdöl Raffinerie Unternehmen der Welt. Sie wurde von John D. Rockefeller gemeinsam mit einigen Geschäftspartnern (u.a. Henry M …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Standard Oil — Création 1870 Disparition 1911 Fondateurs John D. Rockefeller Personnages clés John D. Rockefeller Henry M. Flagler …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Standard Oil — Refinery No.1 in Cleveland, Ohio (1899) Die Standard Oil Company war bis zu ihrer Zerschlagung das größte Erdöl Raffinerie Unternehmen der Welt. Sie wurde von John D. Rockefeller gemeinsam mit einigen Geschäftspartnern (u.a. Henry M. Flagler)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Standard Oil Company — Standard Oil Logo de Standard Oil Création 1870 Disparition 1911 Personnages clés John D. Rockefell …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Line Dance — ist eine Tanzform, bei der einzelne Tänzer unabhängig von der Geschlechtszugehörigkeit in Reihen und Linien vor und nebeneinander tanzen. Die Tänze sind passend zu Musik choreografiert, die meist aus den Kategorien Country und Pop stammt.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Standard Films — was started in 1991 and is a snowboard film company started by brothers Mike and Dave Hatchett. As at 2007 they have produced a snowboarding film every year.The company was started when one of the two brothers (as a professional snowboarder) was… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard J — Role Trainer National origin USA Manufacturer …   Wikipedia

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